Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

story about Umar bin Khatab

Hadi Fadli Description a person (Umar bin Khatab)

I have someone who I admire that Umar Bin Khattab one of the companions of the Prophet who had a violent temper, Umar had the nickname given by the Rasullullah Muhammad, Al-Faruk, which means people can distinguish between truth and falsehood. Umar grown into a young man who respected and feared at the time. Harsh temperament makes earning the nickname "Lion of the Desert". He is also very hard to defend traditional religion of Arabs who worshiped idols and keep their customs. Even his daughter buried alive in order to maintain the honor of Umar.
It is said that at one point, Umar resolved to assassinate Muhammad. When looking for it, he ran into a Muslim (Nu'aim bin Abdullah) who then told me that her sister had also embraced Islam. Umar was shocked upon notice and return home rumahnya.Di Umar found that his brother was reading the verses of the Qur'an (Thoha letter), he would get angry and hit his brother thing. When he saw his brother bleeding by the blow he was sorry, and then requested that the text he could see. He then became very shaken by the Koran and then immediately embraced Islam on that day as well. As a high-ranking military and a good tactician, Umar frequently participated in various wars. After the death of Rasullullah Saw., He is one of the companions were very upset by the incident. Umar is known of his simple life style, rather than adopt the lifestyle and the appearance of the rulers of that era, he remains alive as when the Muslims were poor and persecuted. In about the year to 17 Hijri, the fourth year his caliphate, Umar decreed that the Islamic calendar should be counted from when the event moved (I mean Hijrah sir).
Until now, I remain proud to have had a leader like Umar bin Khattab, hopefully I can follow the steps - steps and be a leader for myself or my family. It was my description about Umar bin Khattab, thank you.

Nb: Jangan dikira itu sebagian pake google translate sory ya...

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